Gary Suthers, Managing Partner
Phone: (661) 979-8881
In June, 2018, after harvesting their 400-acre cherry orchard and preparing the orchard for next season, Gary and Taher, managing partners of Tayyeba Farms, found a number of their cherry trees in distress. They were dying, completely defoliated. Efforts to adjust fertilizer, nutrient, and water inputs were to no avail. Getting introduced to LALITHA 21® by a friend, Gary and Taher decided to apply it to their 200-acre lot containing the trees in distress. In November 2018, Mr. Gary Suthers, provided the following testimonials:
“We decided to apply LALITHA 21® by the start of August, 2018 at the rate of one gallon per 10-acre area. After six weeks we started noticing the changes in our cherry trees. They looked healthier than the untreated. Their leaves looked greener and thicker than those of the untreated. Our once dying trees are now back to life. They have regained their leaves. Their new buds are springing up with vigor. I call them my Lazaruses. LALITHA 21® is doing some wonder. In the spring by bloom time, we will apply the remaining dose of LALITHA 21® and wait for a good harvest.”